Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lab 4 Reflection- Problem Solving

My lab this week was designed for my leadership class as they will help take charge of planning their Spring Trip to Maine and participate in a college visit. I felt my lab went really well, it was calm and laid back. I started off by spitting students into groups that they would later use to work on their assignments. This worked out well as an early classroom management.
I presented the scenario but left any additional information out. I then allowed for time for the students to think about what information they needed. I felt this made the students begin to start processing the activity and then when they would be released to work in small groups would already be on task.
I really like problem based instruction as I think it offers the opportunity for students to take personal ownership of their learning. As a teacher I believe the less I talk, the more a student needs to think for themselves thus resulting in a higher level of thinking.
One thing I need to continue working on is avoiding filler words as well as projecting my voice. Overall I thought this was a good lab that definitely gave me ideas for Spring!


  1. Kate, sounds like you had a positive experience. I am noticing a trend that it appears like we are all starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I like the way you mentioned talking less makes students think more!!

  2. Hey Kate,
    Good job facilitating the lesson - for sure. I liked how simple the topic was, but how applicable it can be to all of us in planning/organizing an event/trip.
    You definitely seemed to have had it planned, but maybe try to structure the "situation" better so that some more info leads to more questions?
    Otherwise, great job!

  3. I like your problem solving approach because I feel that it really gives the students an opportunity to be creative and come up with their own ideas and figure out what they really want. Good job.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your lab reflection. Voice projection (I think I tend to talk too loud sometimes) and filler words are something that I think I have to work on as well. Like we keep saying this will come with time and we just have to keep practicing! Keep up the good work! I am glad your lab went well for you! Good Job! :)

  5. I completely agree with you, problem solving does work well at getting students to truly own their learning. This is only accomplished when it is done well though, and it sounds like you did a good job of implementing it! I am still working on cutting out filler words as well, I seem to resort to "okay" a lot, to the point that I annoy myself every time I say it, but I think that we will get better as we continue to practice. One thing I have done is just be more aware of the thoughts that are coming next in my head and making sure to cut out the filler words as best I can. I think we will get it in time! Good job!

  6. Kate,

    I thought you REALLY did a great job with this lab. Your overall confidence and presence in front of the class is really getting great. I also liked how you didn't give us ALL the details, so it forced us to draw the information out of you...perfect! = higher level! One thing to remember is to make sure you are getting answers from all students. The talkative ones took most of the answers. I need to work on the same thing, because it is so easy just to get the answer from the talkative ones! Otherwise, awesome job!!!

  7. That sounds like a need lesson for a cool thing that your school is doing! A trip like that would be really neat! It is good that you know you have to try and project your voice more and remove filler words so with time and experience, you will hopefully correct them. I too need to work on them. Keep up the good work and you will get there!
