Sunday, September 15, 2013

Accomplishing tasks via Learning Objectives- AEE Writing

Good Afternoon!
Let me start out by posing you a question, Without your 'to do' list, how do you know what to accomplish? You are possibly thinking about the many things that you have to do, but can you easily put emphasis or priority on them? By creating your to do list you are able to provide clarity and organization to the tasks at hand.

This is a similar analogy to developing learning objectives in the classroom. At the beginning of each class announcing the days objectives to the students puts them in the mindset of what they will be learning. They will have an idea of what to focus their learning on and what to pay particular attention to. M. Susie Whittington gives advice on developing learning objectives in relationship to Bloom's Taxonomy by utilizing action verbs to help students hone in on what they should learn. Whittington states that verbs categorized under the following categories also are equivalent to the Bloom's Taxonomy of learning. Remember in relation to Blooms' Knowledge, Processing is equivalent to Comprehension, Application to Analysis, Creating equivalent to Synthesis and Evaluating to Evaluation. The action words let a student know exactly what they should take and be able to do from each lesson.

In the text, Methods of Teaching Agriculture, it is discussed that posting lesson objectives also allows a teacher to determine the best timeline for students to learn things or do activities. It is also recommended that after the objectives are stated to do an interest approach with the students. This will allow for the students to become engaged in the subject in a non traditional lesson to captivate and gain their attention. This can be done in a variety of ways or as a bell work to start the class.

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