Sunday, September 22, 2013

AEE Reflection #2

Utilizing the principles of teaching allow for higher levels of thinking from students.

Provide Clarity. Students are able to take more away from a lesson when it is structured with meaning and logical sequencing. The teacher should take into consideration how a lesson is provided to the students. If they are obviously not understanding the material it should be presented in an alternate format. Teacher preparation also has a lot to do with how clear the information is presented. By providing students with a course sequence of all of the courses offered in the department they will be better prepared for the level of knowledge in the current class says Newcomb. I think highly of the fact that personal motivation and interest are incorporated in the principles of learning. Those are direct drivers of how much a student gets out of a particular lesson. This is also why it is important to keep students directly engaged in learning, however the engagement should be challenging to maintain interest. Going along with interests, practicality and transferable skills add in learning retention and provide the foundation for future skills. My opinion of these principles that when combined they target direct student motivation. While it is challenging to incorporate so much into each lesson they incubuses all factors that make up a great learning atmosphere. The one principle area I do partially disagree with is the disciplinary factor. I feel that if students are engaged and motivated this factor is minimized. However with that being said, discipline needs to be addressed right away to prevent hindering the learning environment.

To maximize a teachers time and classroom effiency, teaching must be adapted for groups but individualized and diverse enough to assist each student. When teaching to an entire class it is important to keep practicies varied and utilizing all senses. I feel and understand that each student learns differently, as well as that being subject dependent. For example, I can understand animal science information by either simply hearing a lecture or reading a passage, however when it comes to mechanics, I learn best by hands on experiance.

Lecture needs to be consice and clear as stated in the principles of learning. Class discussion and teacher questioning will allow the teacher to see what information the students are taking in and understanding as well as providing additional clairity. The manner of discussion and size of participating group should be dependent on content and depth.

A teacher may target other students learning needs through demonstrations and field trips. These are both more complicated to plan and require more time, they can be the most beneficial to some students.

The role playing scenario I find is very interesting yet more challenging. My personal feelings are that the students participating need to have a good understanding of what they are doing as well as a good attitude towards the activity. This strategies' outcome is probably dependent on the comfort of the class with each other and their understanding of content.

I feel overall that the teaching techniques a teacher utilizes in the classroom are very dependent on his or her personal conformance. A vast variety of resources are available to assist students and teachers in the learning process.

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